sports for children Obolon
- Ukrainian Association of tradition and culture of China Zhen Kung Fu
- Geroev Dnepra 31-A 093-197-0109
- Sports judo club Ippon
- Obolonskiy 2B 485-0760, 233-0033, 096-241-3714
- Sports judo club Ippon
- Obolonskiy 32B 485-0760, 233-0033, 096-241-3714
- Sports judo club Ippon
- Obolonskiy 16D 485-0760, 233-0033, 096-241-3714
- Sports judo club Ippon
- Pivnichna 26 485-0760, 233-0033, 096-241-3714
- Sports judo club Ippon
- Pivnichna 8 485-0760, 233-0033, 096-241-3714
- Sports judo club Ippon
- Geroiv Dnipra 10B 485-0760, 233-0033, 096-241-3714
- Sports judo club Ippon
- Ozernaya 2A 485-0760, 233-0033, 096-241-3714
- Sports judo club Ippon
- Prirechnaya 17B 485-0760, 233-0033, 096-241-3714
- 093-747-7283
- 096-663-5530
- Kondei Aikido club
- Priozernaya 6 098-066-4429
- Kondei Aikido club
- Geroev Dnepra 066-198-5303, 096-776-4198
- Kondei Aikido club
- Geroev Stalingarda 48A 050-777-8877
- CYSS soccer Smena
- Layosha Gavro 24-A 418-6067, 418-6625
- Hand-to-hand fighting club
- Severnaya 26 097-231-3713
- 228-6620, 491-8176
- 569-2517, 536-1925
- Sport club Atma-Sport
- Geroev Dnepra 31-A 412-2119, 063-823-8226, 098-674-7150
- 066-760-0540, 066-728-3241
- 063-719-4179, 097-362-3623
- 502-2122, 067-328-2888
- 068-373-5320, 067-385-2670
- 063-346-6883, 066-089-3625, 096-803-0417
- 227-7325, 068-596-0696
- 098-924-0789 Анна Безродная
- 098-924-0789
- Fitness club Bizon
- Ozernaya 2 599-0431, 067-292-7363
- Fitness club Bizon
- Timoshenko 9 599-0431, 067-501-1684
- 209-3828
- 222-4222
- Fitness center Aquarium
- Geroev Stalingrada 45 239-2222, 239-2239
- Fitness centre Master Fit
- Geroev Stalingrada 47 426-1492, 353-1201, 093-539-8751
- Wushu school Phoenix
- Geroev Stalingrada 47 247-0246, 063-247-0246
- 221-8193, 200-2234, 464-4929, 063-284-7554, 050-163-3309