body-building Vinogradar
- Fitness classes by Vladislav Totskiy
- Vyshgorodskaya 45A 229-8621, 093-954-2454, 066-354-9434
- Sportclub Big Man
- Stetsenko 19 449-4904, 067-317-2338, 067-664-0643
- Sportclub Arena
- Gongadze 3-B 353-0380
- Crystal Fitness Gym
- Vyshgorodskaya 45 097-994-1000
- Fitness club Condor
- Svetlitskogo 28 433-0240, 050-381-1609, 050-311-8896
- 221-4626, 050-419-5828
- Sports and applied martial arts center
- Gongadze 18-B 097-765-4038
- Sports and applied martial arts center
- Gongadze 20-E 097-765-4038