pilates Pechersk
- 227-6525, 099-045-8491
- 220-0020
- Sports club Tonus
- Ivana Kudri 5 332-8979
- Studio of healthy pleasures
- Ivana Kudri 5 361-4229, 066-756-5120
- Dance and fitness Studio 23
- Lesi Ukrainki 19 097-339-7185, 099-721-6166, 093-673-4459
- 063-449-2654
- Fitness club BodyArt Fitness
- Mechnikova 3 097-233-3747
- 222-4222
- 222-4222
- Fitness club Erix
- Kikvidze 17/10 224-5735
- Center of oriental culture Michie
- Dragomirova 16-A 596-2806, 096-406-7705
- 067-581-6576
- Dance School Danza
- Schorsa 32-B 285-3170, 050-410-4347